What is Pita Energy?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that dates back 5,000 years and can be found in many practices worldwide today. Ayurveda teaches that there are three different energy types within each individual known as doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (water). 

Pitta personality
They are very intelligent and can handle many tasks at once.
The Pitta personality can think outside the box and find solutions to problems.
They excel at problem-solving, but they must also pay attention to details for their plans to work. In addition, they are calm under pressure and able to stay focused on the task at hand even when others around them may be losing control of their emotions or making rash decisions.
They have an abiding faith in themselves and their ability to excel in whatever they put their mind to.
Pitta people are goal-oriented, hardworking, and passionate about getting things done. They’re driven by a sense of perfectionism that drives them to push themselves harder than others.
Pittas can often find themselves at the top of their class or on top of the corporate ladder.
Their strong sense of self-esteem tends to make them self-centered and perfectionist.
They are excellent at what they do, and as a result, they can be classified as perfectionists. They enjoy being busy or doing things that are useful and productive.
By nature, they are driven and goal-oriented, seeing the world as a series of challenges to be overcome.
They make excellent leaders because they can set goals and follow through. Regarding work, pitta types have a knack for handling multiple projects and getting them all done on time.
They have high standards for themselves and others, so if things aren’t perfect (which they rarely will be), they can become frustrated or angry quickly.
Under stress, they get angry and resentful and can become obsessive over details.
They need to learn how to relax and take time for themselves to avoid excessive worry or anger issues.
Pitta skin appearance
Curly, fine, medium thickness
If you have pitta skin, it tends to be oily, dry, and hot. You may have pimples or blemishes.
Pitta skin tends to be oily. It can also be dry or slightly moist after washing the face with water.
Coarse, thick skin
If you have Pitta skin, your skin is likely naturally thicker than average. This can make heat and sun exposure even more uncomfortable for you.
Try using cooling herbs and oils like aloe vera or lavender
to keep your skin looking its best.  
Also, avoid hot foods and spices as much as possible (and steer clear of spicy foods altogether if they’re not already a part of your regular diet).
Moles and freckles
Moles and freckles caused by sun exposure are often a problem for people with pitta skin. Moles and freckles can appear anywhere on the body but tend to be more common in lighter-skinned individuals.
They are usually brown or black and may have a slightly raised surface with a few hair follicles around the edges.
Pitta skin is very sensitive to sun exposure, so it’s essential to wear sunscreen daily to avoid getting moles and freckles.
Oiliness and excess sweating
What can you do to cool things down? There are a few options. One is to use cold-pressed oils infused with cooling herbs like peppermint or basil.
You can also make your oil blends using the same herbs (or just plain ol’ mint) and apply those straight to your skin for an extra cooling effect.
If you want something super simple, try coconut oil—it’s antibacterial and antimicrobial, so it’ll help keep acne at bay.
Finally, if you’ve got heat racing through your body from excess sweating (which will happen if you’re burning more calories than usual), try a patch of aloe vera plant in the soil of an airy planter on full display on a windowsill or shelf to make sure its leaves stay healthy without sacrificing too much sunlight exposure (and thus causing them stress).
Keep a balance of pitta by using cooling herbs:
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is best for Pitta skin. It has a warm nature but cools the body by promoting sweating.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is another cooling herb that promotes sweating to reduce excess heat in the body. Its astringent properties also help reduce excess oiliness in oily Pitta types.
Mint leaves are good for Pitta skin as they have antiseptic properties and are excellent when applied to the skin or consumed internally.

  • in many people will find the combination of the two Doshas within them for example: Vata-pitta; pitta-kapha or vata-Kapha etc… which means that two doshas are predominant in your prakriti, or constitution.

I hope this article help you to understand more the concept of Ayurveda and the three doshas. The 3 Dasha energy periods are a big part of our lives, and understanding them will allow us to make better decisions.
It is an ancient science that teaches us how to live in harmony with nature and our environment.

Disclaimer: All content is created and published for informational purposes only. It’s not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the advice of qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regime, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website/article.



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