Human beings are complex creatures. We tend to overthink a lot and make conclusions based on what we feel and see. For example, when we eat a dish and our body doesn’t adjust to one specific ingredient in that dish, we say that we’re allergic to so-and-so dish whereas in actuality, we were allergic to the drink we were drinking at the time of eating that dish. This is just a brief example of how we all think when it comes protecting ourselves and surviving.

In fact, our physical and mental health is closely linked to what we eat and drink. Of course, it’s no secret that the body needs all kinds of nutrition such as proteins, carbs, and fats to keep us healthy, but what’s more important is how carefully we choose the ingredients that we intake and how much of it.

Not everyone is the same; some are allergic to seafood while others are allergic to eggs and even several types of vegetables. However, with a bit of research on yourself, you can determine what you should eat to become healthy and to avoid illnesses and diseases such as thyroid, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, etc. One should practice mindful eating to change their bad eating patterns such as consuming junk or eating more servings than necessary to avoid weight problems.

A poor diet could cause heart and blood vessel diseases, obesity, and hypertension, but choosing nutritious foods will not only improve your physical aspect but brain health as well as refine your cognition. Research suggests that a poor diet may have been the cause of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia problems. However, with the right diet and careful planning, one can easily avoid such problems.
Undoubtedly, the 21st century has been an era of junk food such as gigantic burgers and freak shakes, but ask yourself before ordering those types of dishes, ‘will you feel good after eating or drinking that?’, ‘will you feel happy and will your body be able to handle so much sugar and excessive carbs?’ If your body’s telling you ‘no,’ then get up from the table and walk away because you should listen to your body. It signals you to eat what’s right and prevents you from eating something that will harm you.

The phrase, ‘we are what we eat’ said by German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach was in context with psychological stress and turmoil at the time of German revolution in 1848. It simply means that the body and mind are closely related to each other so whether you’re a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, you should choose what you consume carefully. Sometimes, some foods can also change the way we feel. Take for example chocolate and bananas, both of them release happy hormones called Serotonin, alcohol can red meat can alter your hormonal balance, and too much coffee (caffeine) can increase the cortisol levels in your body.
When it comes to health, the choices we make are the most important aspect of our lives. One bad choice, and your entire life may change.

In conclusion, a good diet will help maintain your body’s vitality, and help you maintain a sound mind. It will bring a significant change to your life and will prevent you from illnesses and sickness due to the increase of your immunity. Always remind yourself that ‘you are what you eat.’ That eating junk will not only deprive you of your health (though eating it once or twice a month is not a problem), but it will also rob you of your mental and emotional health.

So, what will you choose to eat?

Disclaimer: All content is created and published for informational purposes only. It’s not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the advice of qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regime, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website/article.



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