Waxing/Epilation à là cire

Waxing/Epilation à là cire

Votre beauté est naturelle. Découvrez l’épilation à la cire naturelle. L’Épilation biologique du Salon Cassiopé vous laissera une peau somptueusement douce, l’idéal pour les peaux sensibles

Upper lip/La lèvre supérieure 20$
Chin/Menton 25$
Eyebrows/Sourcils 28$
Eyebrow shaping is done in strokes and is an excellent technique for hair removal, it originated in India but is also widely practiced in the Middle East. This brow curl perfectly creates the arch of the brows, or adds shape and highlights the forehead. Because it removes the hairs through the follicle, it is a hair removal technique whose effect is quite long, which is safe and without any chemicals. Come back to see us every 3 to 4 weeks, at Salon Cassiopé we guarantee that you will come out with perfect eyebrows and satisfied with their shape!!
Bikini/Bikini 35$
Brazilian Style Bikini/Bikini-Brèsillien 45$
Bikini complete /Bikini complete 55$
Under arm/Sous-Bras 30$
Arm 45$
Half arms/Mi-Bras 35$
Back/Dos:  50$
Stomach/ Estomac 25$
Uper legs/Partie Supérieure Jambes 50$
Half legs/Mi-Jambes 45$
Full legs/Jambes Entières 70$
Half legs, Bikini, Underame/Mi-Jambes, Bikini, Sous-Bras 85$
Full legs, bikini, Underams/Jambes Entières, Bikini, Sous-Bras 115$
Half legs, bikini Bresillien, Underame/Mi-Jambes, Bikini-Brèsillien, Sous-Bras 90$
Fullegs, Bikini complete, Underam/Jambes Entière, Bikini complète, Sous Bras 125$
Half legs, bikini complete, under arms/Mi-Jambes, Bikini Complète, Sous Bras 95$
Upper legs, bikini complete, under arms/Partie supérieur jambes, Bikini Complète, Sous Bras 100$
Extra 15$
Buttocks/Fesses 23$
intergluteal /Inter Fessier 20$
Under arms/Sous-Bras 35$
Eyebrows/Sourcils 30$
(Natural appearance guaranteed, discover your most beautiful eyebrows!!)
Shoulders/Épaules: 30$
Back and shoulders/Dos et épaules
Back/Dos  60$
Chest/Poitrine 55$
Chest and Stomach/Poitrine et Ventre 70$
Bikini/Bikine 55$
Fullegs/Jambes Entières 80$
Half legs/Mi-Jambes 50$
Upper legs/Partie Supérieure Jambes 55$
Half legs, Bikini, Underams /Mi-Jambes, Bikini, Sous-Bras 120$
Fullegs, Bikini, Underams/Jambes entières, Bikine, Sous-Bras 140$
Arms/Bras 45$
Half arms/Mi Bras 35$
Intergluteal /Inter fessier 20$
Buttocks /Fesses 40$
Prices are subject to change without notice